Story of Dirk
'Unbelievable, that flood of good feeling, from everyone.'
Download the updated 4Daagse app in the App Store and Play Store. In the app you will find all the important information together. Follow your walking friends with LiveTracking, stay up to date with the latest news and take unique selfies! The app can be used by both participants and followers.
The 4Daagse app is primarily used for LiveTracking of participants by family, friends and fans during the 4Days Marches. Participants can monitor their own walking time, read updates on news and current weather forecasts, take selfies and view all toilet, water, and medical aid stations.
After a successful collaboration during the previous edition, Sportunity will remain responsible for the official 4Daagse app for the next three editions. During the 104th edition last year, we learned how to further improve the app. This year we are introducing a number of new functionalities.
Although some of these features are on the back end of the app, you'll notice an immediate difference on the revamped LiveTracking page. Participants will see a start button on the right side prior to walking. This will allow them to start LiveTracking and share their location on the route with followers.
After you click the start button while walking, you will see the screen on the right. You will immediately see how long you have been walking, how many kilometers you have walked. You will also see a finish button, GPS icon and pause button.
Did you use the app last year? Then you can log in with the same account.
We can not launch everything at once. There are still a number of features scheduled to be available soon:
For the 4Daagse participants, recognizability and continuity are very important. This is where the app plays a significant role. By starting a long-term partnership with each other, we keep responding to the needs of the participant. That way we continue to optimize the app every year.
We have taken the usability of the app to the next level. In doing so, we have re-emphasized the recognizability of the 4Daagse app with our new functionalities. As a dedicated partner we are committed to a successful 4Days Marches using the app!
Berjoehie Toma (Product Manager TRACX, at Sportunity)